5 Supervillain One-Liners That Make Surprisingly Good Life Mantras
For the most part, supervillains are psychopaths who don’t have an understanding of how humanity works. They are selfish, oftentimes arrogant, and way too concerned with world domination.
But there is a reason for their success and power in comic books and movies—they’re intelligent, and they possess a drive that not many people have. When the going gets tough, they don’t lie down. It only seems to make them more dangerous.
Because of this drive (and despite their evilness) a few have said things that actually make pretty good mantras to live your life by, or at least inform your worldview.
Look, I’m not saying you should embroider these quotes on a pillow and toss it on your bed or hang them up on your living room wall for all your guests to see. I don’t want your family and friends worrying about your mental health, and regardless, it’s best to not to pattern your life after murderers and madmen.
However, you can take a little something from these 5 lines that these accidentally poignant antagonists have said.
“What a tremendously hostile world a rat must endure. Yet not only does he survive, he thrives. Because our little foe has an instinct for survival and preservation second to none.” —Hans Landa, Inglourious Basterds

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The Nazi officer portrayed by the great and terrifying Christoph Waltz has some chilling lines all throughout Inglourious Basterds, but I actually found this one rather inspiring. For example, if you’re in bed in the morning and you feel like total crap and don’t want to get up, you read this line and you’re instantly pumped up and ready to take on the day. Because if a rat can thrive, then you sure as hell can.
“I don’t feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies.” —Michael Corleone, The Godfather

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If this doesn’t say “confidence”, then I don’t know what does—this would be a really cool line for a football coach to say to his team right before a huge playoff game. Can you picture Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights saying this to the Dillon Panthers? Heads would roll, people.
“Everything they built will fall, and from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one.” —Apocalypse, X-Men: Apocalypse

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Here’s another self-assured line that could be used in some kind of team sport. This quote is really interesting, because it could be seen as very positive, or incredibly sinister. My bones are chilled either way, honestly.
“Ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?” —The Joker, Batman

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This one might be more of a reach, considering it’s especially infamous, but if you really analyze it then it could definitely be useful in some situations. Often times in life, you’re going to face difficult challenges. But that doesn’t excuse backing down—you’ve got to face problems head-on, no matter how big they are. Every once in a while, you may have to cha-cha with Satan past your bedtime. You just have to suck it up and do it.
“Quite simply, I have harnessed the power of the Gods.” —Red Skull, Captain America: The First Avenger

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To be honest, I may have flexed my muscles while I wrote that. Red Skull’s famous one-liner seems like it’s just meant to be plastered in a college football team locker room.
Are you ready to work yet? We certainly are. Kick some ass today, with the help of your supervillain helpers. Just don’t do anything too evil.
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